Tag Archives: Funny

Oh why, why, why: Singing in Mandarin

Dear Taipei, When you’re learning a language, sometimes you have to throw all your dignity out the window and do a terrible tone-deaf cover in front of your whole class. (Video below…) The other day when our teacher said that in lieu of our usual weekly speech we would instead have to perform something in […]

10 ways you’re turning into a local in Taiwan

Dear Taipei, Exciting news concerning you and me (the ultimate couple)- I just had my first article published! it’s for Focus Taipei, which is the English division of Taiwan’s national news agency. 10 ways your know you’re turning into a local in Taiwan It’s a humorous piece I wrote to get a laugh out of […]

lime cat meme

Today I put a pomelo on head and was blessed by the heavens

What is Mid Autumn Festival, and why do people put pomelos on their head to celebrate? Find out here.

How to Hong Kong: Victoria Peak, Mangos, Wontons, Tarts and Cider

Dear Taipei, It’s a question that has always plagued travelers since the dawn of time- to buy the ticket to the top, or to find a view for free? In certain locations, I think it’s probably worth the price to pay. I’d imagine going up to the Empire State Building would be incredible, if only […]

How to Hong Kong: Part 1

Dear Taipei, I hope you don’t mind, but over the next couple of entries I would like to share with you my “How to Hong Kong” guide. Yes, I am expressing extreme and controversial creative license by conjugating Hong Kong into a verb, but I believe in order to make the most of Hong Kong […]

Indoor rockclimbing in Xinyi

Dear Taipei, I always jokingly ask myself, “Why do I love doing things that I’m not so good at?” Singing, dancing and bowling are just a handful of (the many) things I will throw myself into, but with mediocre results. Take bowling. I remember in primary/elementary school when bowling parties were all the rage. Not […]

Tales from the road: Final day road tripping Taiwan’s east coast

Dear Taipei, On the final day of my road trip down Taiwan’s east coast I was faced with the ultimate dining out dilemma: To wait, or not to wait. Readers, you’ve surely experienced this- when you’ve waited so long in a line, or even after ordering, and you’re so hungry you’re practically hallucinating- picturing your […]

The loch ness monster of Taiwan: The $200 note

Dear Taipei, I previously lamented my poor results in trying to hit the jackpot in the Great Taiwan Lottery. Well sometimes, success comes unexpectedly, and when you get it it feels better than a million dollars. In fact, it feels exactly like possessing a $200 note. What a perfect, and completely non-contrived segue to announcing […]

Trainspotting: Reuniting with my old friend, the train floor

Dear Taipei, Last Sunday I found myself once again gracefully sprawled on a train floor accompanied by an assortment of dust, food bits and other unidentifiable delicacies. Unbelievably, it’s the 4th time in recent years that I’ve found myself seatless on a train, and taking up the only seat I can. What can I say, […]

Cheap Haircuts in Taipei

Want to get a ridiculously affordable haircut in Taipei? Read on…