Tag Archives: Friends

“Yes people”, and learning to say “no”

Dear Taipei, What’s your view on Yes people? I don’t mean a “yes man” that blindly- and often to their detriment- says yes to every single favour and thing someone asks from them. I am referring to those people who say “yes” to any social invitation they receive (within reason). Want to hit the clubs Friday and […]

Thanksgiving in Taipei 2015

Dear Taipei, What do Thanksgiving, a French restaurant, an Aussie, a Taiwanese woman and November 28th have in common? Well, apart from sounding like the pilot of an underrated, but utterly hilarious indie drama on a community channel, not a whole lot a part from the Thanksgiving dinner which ensued yesterday. Last night my friend […]

Days 5, 6 and 7: Road trip!

Dear Taipei, I have to be honest, I’m so sad that out of the four Chinese words/phrases I know- “hello”, “thank you”, “yes” and the newly acquired “Happy (Chinese) New Year”, I can’t use the latter anymore. I became basically fluent in Chinese for a good couple of days over the Chinese New Year period […]

Day 4, Part B: Carb loading

Dear Taipei, I’m not going to lie, I’m starting to get a bit worried about how amazing your food is. Not only is it so flavoursome, but so bloody cheap that I am eating (literally) at least double what I ate before. Which is a cause for concern because that was a I-can-eat-a-whole-pizza-for-myself-thank-you-please-pass-the-sauce-again kind of […]

Day 3: Meeting new and old friends

Dear Taipei, It’s been 10 days since I’ve arrived and it’s been pretty non-stop. I feel like I’m not really doing that much, but as I write this, I realise I guess I am doing quite a lot! Yes, my days so far pretty much only consist of settling in, hanging out with friends, seeing […]