Tag Archives: Culture

What’s happening in Taipei: August events

Need some ideas how to spend your August? Click here to discover 5 of the best events to check out this month.

Lounge room at the Miniatures Museum Taiwan

Visit the Miniatures Museum of Taiwan

A review of the charming Miniatures Museum which might just convince you to go!

Urban Nomad Film Festival in Taipei

2 film festivals you need to catch this May in Taipei

A rundown of two awesome film festivals (you probably don’t know about) to head to in May.

Artwork by Hayakawa Katsumi

Hayakawa Katsumi’s phenomenal solo exhibition

Run, don’t walk to Hayakawa’s stunning exhibition at the Noh Gallery

Keith Haring Exhibition, National Museum of History

Dear Taipei, You know when you’re trying to express your sentiments about something you feel very strongly about, but when you speak the words aloud, they sound tangled and confused? In your head, the ideas flow much more poetically, but out aloud- they do not hold the same power you wish them to. But one day, you […]

What’s happening in Taipei: February edition

February in Taipei is packed with awesome events. Learn all about them here!

A visit to Nanmen Market (南門市場)

If you’re after a local experience, you can’t beat picking up some produce with the locals at Nanmen Market

Thanksgiving in Taipei 2015

Dear Taipei, What do Thanksgiving, a French restaurant, an Aussie, a Taiwanese woman and November 28th have in common? Well, apart from sounding like the pilot of an underrated, but utterly hilarious indie drama on a community channel, not a whole lot a part from the Thanksgiving dinner which ensued yesterday. Last night my friend […]

A review of Nou Gallery, Taipei

A review of the captivating Noh Gallery. If you’re into art, you should make a trip here, stat.

How to Hong Kong: A trip to Stanley with Me, Myself and I

Dear Taipei, I think if you could speak, you’d try to dispel the assumptions made about you. One of the biggest which comes to mind is that you’re not a worthy holiday destination in yourself. A good proportion of people only visit you for a brief trip, often on a stopover on the way to […]