Tag Archives: Alone time

“Yes people”, and learning to say “no”

Dear Taipei, What’s your view on Yes people? I don’t mean a “yes man” that blindly- and often to their detriment- says yes to every single favour and thing someone asks from them. I am referring to those people who say “yes” to any social invitation they receive (within reason). Want to hit the clubs Friday and […]

A (solo) picture tells a thousand words

Dear Taipei, If you’ll be so kind, I’d like to share an anecdote from yours truly. Yesterday after parting from my friends, I was strolling around in a department store when I saw a huddle of people. Curious, I went over and saw they were waiting to have a go at an instant photobooth set […]

How to Hong Kong: A trip to Stanley with Me, Myself and I

Dear Taipei, I think if you could speak, you’d try to dispel the assumptions made about you. One of the biggest which comes to mind is that you’re not a worthy holiday destination in yourself. A good proportion of people only visit you for a brief trip, often on a stopover on the way to […]