Category Writing

Tiger Mountain Ramble: A review

After reading this, you’ll want to go to the Tiger Mountain Ramble, one of Taipei’s best annual festivals

A (solo) picture tells a thousand words

Dear Taipei, If you’ll be so kind, I’d like to share an anecdote from yours truly. Yesterday after parting from my friends, I was strolling around in a department store when I saw a huddle of people. Curious, I went over and saw they were waiting to have a go at an instant photobooth set […]

Double, double toil and trouble: Witch Festival this weekend in New Taipei City

Dear Taipei, If your plans are lacking a certain magic to them this weekend, how about checking out the Witch Festival? It’s an outdoor music festival featuring over 90 local bands which starts today (!) until this Sunday in Xindian, New Taipei City. As if that wasn’t cool enough, it is set in the mountains. […]