Category Theatre

The Diary of Anne Frank, Taipei

The Diary of Anne Frank at Huashan 1914 Creative Park

The theatrical adaptation of the The Diary of Anne Frank is once again showing in Taipei and Tainan. You won’t want to miss this second chance to see this tremendously moving play.

The Blonde, The Brunette, and the Vengeful Redhead

Theater Review: The Blonde, The Brunette, and the Vengeful Redhead

You won’t want to miss the critically acclaimed play, The Blonde, The Brunette, and The Vengeful Redhead, at The LAB Space from July 21-23. Here’s my review of the performance.`

Theater Review: Bomb-itty of Errors, The LAB Space

Described as hip hop meets Shakespeare, The LAB Space Theater’s latest offering is a modern twist on a beloved classic.

What's Happening In Taipei This October banner

What’s happening in Taipei: October edition

It’s October and you need plans. Just read this round up of 5 of the best events this month and you’ll be set!