Category Taiwan

An 800m Wander Down Dihua Street’s Lunar New Year’s Market

In Taipei and need Lunar New Year’s plans? You won’t regret a colorful trip down Dihua Street.

Tiger Mountain Ramble: A review

After reading this, you’ll want to go to the Tiger Mountain Ramble, one of Taipei’s best annual festivals

A visit to Chang Kai Shek Memorial Hall at Night

Dear Taipei, In every city, there are certain places you can reasonably assume everyone knows to go to if visiting. The Sydney Harbour Bridge and Opera House in Sydney. The Louvre and Eiffel Tower in Paris. The Big Ben and Buckingham Palace in London. In Taipei, I would hazard that Taipei 101, National Palace Museum, […]

A review of Nou Gallery, Taipei

A review of the captivating Noh Gallery. If you’re into art, you should make a trip here, stat.

Pride Parade in Taipei

Did you know Taipei’s Pride Parade is the biggest one in Asia? Here’s my review of this magnificent celebration.

The Ultimate Guide to Halloween in Taipei

The most comprehensive Halloween in Taipei 2015 guide out there!

How to find your feet in Taipei

Dear Taipei, My article about Finding your feet in Taipei was published today! I’d appreciate if you check it out if you are interested 🙂 It goes through rather comprehensively the various groups, events and opportunities which are on offer in Taipei to help you settle in and establish a support network. I think feeling […]