Category Taipei in March

April events in Taipei, Taiwan

What’s Happening in Taipei: April Events

Music festivals, art, and a mass picnic thrown by Vogue – Taipei is delivering some killer events this April.

Taipei March Events

What’s Happening in Taipei: March Events

From Holi Festival to Treasure Hill Light Festival, here are 5 fun events to catch this March in Taipei.

Artwork by Hayakawa Katsumi

Hayakawa Katsumi’s phenomenal solo exhibition

Run, don’t walk to Hayakawa’s stunning exhibition at the Noh Gallery

Keith Haring Exhibition, National Museum of History

Dear Taipei, You know when you’re trying to express your sentiments about something you feel very strongly about, but when you speak the words aloud, they sound tangled and confused? In your head, the ideas flow much more poetically, but out aloud- they do not hold the same power you wish them to. But one day, you […]