Category Art

Keith Haring Exhibition, National Museum of History

Dear Taipei, You know when you’re trying to express your sentiments about something you feel very strongly about, but when you speak the words aloud, they sound tangled and confused? In your head, the ideas flow much more poetically, but out aloud- they do not hold the same power you wish them to. But one day, you […]

How to Hong Kong: Graffiti walls and PMQ

Dear Taipei, If I had NT$100 for every time I heard someone say, “So, I’m going to Hong Kong next week…”, I would be a very rich woman. You see, Hong Kong is one of, if not the most popular destination for expats living in Taiwan to do a visa run. For those lucky folk who don’t […]

What’s happening in Taipei: December Edition

Dear Taipei, A pinch and a punch for the first day of the month!  December has hit us, so I hope you’re ready for the onslaught of Christmas decorations (which already started appearing prematurely last month) and cries of “where did the year go- it felt like July just the other day?!” If you’re wondering […]

A review of Nou Gallery, Taipei

A review of the captivating Noh Gallery. If you’re into art, you should make a trip here, stat.

How to Hong Kong: Victoria Peak, Mangos, Wontons, Tarts and Cider

Dear Taipei, It’s a question that has always plagued travelers since the dawn of time- to buy the ticket to the top, or to find a view for free? In certain locations, I think it’s probably worth the price to pay. I’d imagine going up to the Empire State Building would be incredible, if only […]

An artwork at Treasure Hill Artist Village Taipei

Treasure Hill Artist Village

Treasure Hill Artist Village is one of Taipei’s most unique and memorable places to pay a visit

Life Drawing in Taipei at Revolver

Dear Taipei, I could imagine you’d get the wrong idea if I said the other day for $200 I got a drink and a view of a naked man. Well, that pretty much sums up my Monday night this week, when I went to my first life drawing class in Taipei. What? You thought…? Wash […]

Day 4, Part A: Zentangled

Dear Taipei, Do you ever wonder, like me, what people are capable of beneath their outwards appearance? Whether the sternly looking businessman is in fact a budding songwriter? Or that person who bored you to death with their words, can give the most sensational musical performance? It’s so easy to take people at face value, […]