What’s Happening in Taipei: March Events

Taipei March Events

Look fun? The Holi Festival in Taipei this March is one of this month’s best events!

Dear Taipei,

Need an excuse to get out of the house in this month?

Especially when the weather is still a bit chilly, and it’s always raining on and off, it can be all too easy to want to stay in all the time. Here are 5 events to get you out and about this month in Taipei.

Be sure to check out my article for TravelogTaipei this March, for further details of the 5 events I thought you should all know about this month! Read on for a quick glance, complete with links to more info.

March Events in Taipei

Taipei Arts Awards  (March 1-19)

Artwork by Ding-Yeh Wang at the Taipei Arts Awards

Ding-Yeh Wang’s two-channel video “Family History-Story Project: Wakabayashi Junko” is one of the artworks on display at the Taipei Arts Awards (Image credit: Taipei Fine Arts Museum)

Held at and by the Taipei Fine Arts Museum, the Taipei Arts Awards showcases the works of twelve talented local artists. The exhibition has been showing since December last year, but it’s wrapping up towards the end of this month, so catch it before it goes!

La Fête: Natural Woman 2017 (March 11)

Le Fete Natural Woman event in Taipei this March

An event for the women of Taipei this month, Le Fete is a unique way to celebrate International Women’s Day.

If you’re looking for a way to celebrate International Women’s Day this month, La Fête: Natural Woman 2017 has an engaging lineup of activities for all women in Taipei. Conversation, creativity, meditation, and more, this gathering of women aims to inspire and empower.

Holi Festival Taipei (March 12)

Every March, Taipei’s Holi Festival event proves itself to be one of the most popular events of the month. Why? Well, how many opportunities do you have to go wild throwing colour at your friends and hundreds of strangers?

Holi Festival Taipei

My first Holi Festival in Taipei, two years ago!

I went to my first Holi Festival in Taipei two years ago, and had such a great time I made sure to go back last year as well. The event has changed over the past couple of years – and not only because it continues to grow in popularity.

Holi Festival in Taipei, Taiwan

Last year’s Holi switched to using paint, so water guns were a necessity!

Since last year, paint is now used at Holi in Taipei. Traditionally coloured powder is used at Holi, but it is now banned in Taipei events due to a tragic incident involving it which occurred here in 2015. When I went last year, you had to buy water guns or use plastic bottles to spread the paint. It’s certainly different from throwing powder, but it’s still a lot of fun (especially if you have a good group together)! Just let loose, and make sure to stick around for when everyone starts dancing to the Indian music – that’s almost the best part!

World Junior Figure Skating Championships (March 15-19)

World Junior Figure Skating Championships Taipei 2017

The World Junior Figure Skating Championships will be held this year in Taipei for 4 days in mid-March. If you’re ever stunned by Olympic figure skaters, here’s a chance to see some of the best up and coming talent in figure skating right here in Taipei.

Treasure Hill Light Festival (March 21-31)

Treasure Hill Light Festival in Taipei this March

Beyond the exhibition itself, there’s many draw cards to this event at Treasure Hill (Image credit: Treasure Hill Taipei)

I stumbled upon news of the Treasure Hill Light Festival during my usual trolling of Taipei events, and was surprised I hadn’t heard of it before! I’m a huge fan of Treasure Hill Artist Village, which is an artist community located in Gonguan, Taipei. This festival looks well worth checking out, as there’s not only interesting art to check out, there’s also performances, an outdoor cinema food, and the general Treasure Hill area to explore.

> Read my article about exploring Treasure Hill to learn more about this interesting area!

Hope those events add some excitement to your month! Remember to check out the full article I wrote for more details!


Know of any other March events in Taipei? Leave a comment below!


  1. This all sounds fun and exciting! I never knew you could do this much in Taipei!


    1. You’ll have to squeeze a trip in this year! Be sure to let me know if you do!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I have been thinking about it! I’d really love to go and if I do, you’ll be the first to know! 😀 Thank youuuu! ❤

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Looking forward to it! ❤


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