What’s Happening in Taipei: January Events

Events in Taipei this January

Dear Taipei,

Happy New Year! It’s 2017, and god that feels weird to write.

While everyone may be trying to recover from craziness of December (and 2016 for that matter!), Taipei doesn’t stop for anyone. The good thing is that there’s a bunch of fantastic events to kick the new year into gear.

I’ve written about 5 events already generating buzz this month – and you can read all about them in my Travelog article, Taipei this January.

Here’s a brief rundown, with links to more info:

January Events in Taipei

Di Hua Street Lunar New Year’s Market (All Month)

Dihua Street Taipei

Want to see what to expect on the street? Read my review New Year’s Market.

Dihua Street’s Lunar New Year’s Market

If I could recommend just one event to check out this month in Taipei, I wouldn’t hesitate to say go to Di Hua Street’s Lunar New Year’s Market. It’s such a fantastically lively event that is well worth checking out if you can handle heavy crowds. To find out more about what to expect and to see some pics of the madness, check out my article, “An 800m Wander Down Dihua Street’s New Year’s Market”.

Hot Spring Fine Cuisine Carnival (All Month)

Hot Spring Fine Cuisine Carnival Taiwan

The Hot Spring Fine Cuisine Carnival runs until late February – so if you can’t

While this winter has been unexpectedly warm, it’s still a great time to make the most of the The Hot Spring Fine Cuisine Carnival. Featuring discounts and special offers, the Carnival aims to draw more people to enjoy the best of Taiwan’s hot springs. Interested? Download your Hot Spring “Passport” on the website to see the full range of deals available.

Taipei Gypsy Jazz Festival (January 11-15)

Taipei Gypsy Jazz Festival 2017

Kick your musical talents off early this year by participating in this jam-packed jazz fest. (Image credit: Wei-Sun International Culture & Arts)

Part workshop and part performance, The Taipei Gypsy Jazz Festival is a great chance for any budding and professional musicians to sharpen their skills. Two renowned gypsy jazz performers will lead a series of workshops for musicians of any and all instruments, and will prove their talents in a grand scale performance at the Eslite performance hall.

Tycho – Live in Taipei (January 19)

Tycho live in Taipei

Don’t stall on buying tics- last time Tycho was in Taipei, their show sold out. (Image credit: Tycho)

Judging from the couple of thousand people on Facebook who have shown their interest in attending their concert this month, Tycho‘s show is looking to be another sell-out. Having already proved their popularity back in 2015 when tics were completely snapped up by Taipei, any fans should best get in quick if they want to catch them this time around.

Taipei Game Show (January 20-24)

2017 Taipei Game Show

The perfect chance to put your gaming abilities to the test. (Image credit: Taipei Game Show)

If your idea of chilling out is spending stretches of time, undistracted, playing games on your couch, this is the event for you. The Taipei Game Show is  a chance for gamers to connect with a humungous gathering of major gaming companies. There’s loads of games on sale, and an opportunity to test out some new releases and gear.

Hope this year is really wonderful for you all! I’d like to take the opportunity to say thank you so much for following Typing To Taipei – I hope to do some exciting things this year with it. Watch this space!

What are you keen to do this Jan? Are there any other events you know of? Leave a comment below!


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