What’s happening in Taipei: September edition

What's happening in Taipei this september

Dear Taipei,

September is upon us, and I’m sure many of you are wondering, “What events are on in Taipei this September?”

September Events in Taipei

After scouring the web for all manner of events, I recommend you to consider going to the following 5 events in Taipei. I’ve written about them in far more detail in my monthly guide for Travelog. Click here to read my Taipei This September article.

Below this pic of the article is a summary of my hand-picked “must go to” events!

Taipei This September Travelog Facebook Post

A glimpse at my Travelog article. You can read it by clicking the pic! 

1. Road to Ultra (September 11)

Road To Ultra Taiwan banner

Just look at those huge names! (Credit: Road to Ultra)

What is Road to Ultra?

There are two types of people in Taipei, those who know Road to Ultra, and those who don’t (I’m only half joking!). Don’t worry if you’re in the latter- I was too when I moved here last year. It seemed like Road to Ultra was the hot topic on everyone’s lips, and I didn’t know what the hell they were talking about.

Well, let give you a brief run-down so you don’t need to awkwardly nod when it next gets brought up in conversation. It’s a music festival which started in Seoul and has branched out to all manner of international cities. As you’ll see from the names featured above, it draws in some major players in the EDM scene. Just to make you that much more desperate to get your hands on a tic, it all starts and ends in one day.

2. Coming into Fashion, Vogue century fashion photography exhibition (September 15-November 27)

Vogue Taiwan beauty page

Strike a pose at the Vogue event (Credit: Vogue Taiwan)

What is Coming into Fashion?

Coming into Fashion is a photography exhibition all about fashion and style. And it’s run by Vogue, no less. Vogue Taiwan is celebrating two decades of being a leader in reporting on and setting trends in this country, and they’re celebrating with a gorgeous exhibition of photos taken straight from their pages, and also those of overseas editions.

If you’re into photography, but fashion isn’t your thing, you’ll probably still get a lot out of seeing the work of some of the best photographers in the world in the flesh.

3. Designers in Residence Project ()

Designer in Residence Taipei

Get a rare insight into the inner workings of a designer’s mind at these fascinating design events (Credit: Designer in Residence)

What is the Designers in Residence Project?

Followers of this blog will know that I’ve written at length about Taipei being the World Design Capital 2016. Why? Because with every month of this year bursting with new design exhibitions and workshops for the masses to enjoy, there’s so much to get excited about.

The Designer in Residence Project is series of workshops and exhibitions centering on the work of the 8 talented international designers who have been invited from around the world to call Taipei their (temporary) home. It’s impossible to box the events into only simple sentence, so my advice is to check out the Facebook page to keep up to date with all that’s going on.

4. Taipei Arts Festival (September 9-October)

Taipei Arts Festival 2016 montage of events

Fans of art and performance will not be disappointed with this lineup of creative events (Credit: Taipei Arts Festival)

What is the Taipei Arts Festival?

To put it bluntly, the program for the 2016 Taipei Arts Festival sounds bloody amazing. I was so taken with it that I already recommended it as a “must see” for September in my column for Scoot Magazine.

So what exactly is it? It’s a huge program of performing art events such as theatre, dance and music. Now that may sound standard enough, but once you look into the events, you’ll notice they’re all anything but normal. In fact, they all seem to be characterized by being a bit left of center. I mean, juggling combined with ballet, anyone? I think this is one festival which doesn’t get the attention it deserves.

5. Go-Go-Bike! (September 25)

Bike detail close-up.

Get your cycle on at Go-Go-Bike!

What is Go-Go-Bike!?

Think you’ve got the skills to partake in this long-distance cycling event? How about if I tell you if the route is 160 km long? For those still interested, you might want to look into Go-Go-Bike!

The route is as follows: Banqiao – Zhonghe and Yonghe – Xindian – Muzha – Shenkeng – Shiding – Pingxi – Shuangxi – Gongliao – Ruifang – Keelung – Wanli- Jingshan – Shimen – Sanzhi, totaling 160 km.

If shedding 60 k from the distance helps, there’s also a 100 km race. Well, needless to say that my unfit-self won’t be participating in this event. So I’ll just throw a “jia you” (you can do it!) your way if you are!

Well, there it is! 5 unique events for you to check out this month. Remember to check out the full article for a more detailed review of each event.

Enjoy your September everyone!

Give me a heads up about any other cool events in the comments! 



  1. New Zealand post-punk band Die! Die! Die! are playing at Revolver on Wed. 7 Sept. It’s going to be awesome! 🙂

    Here are the details:


    1. Oh cool, sounds fun! Thanks for the heads up Steve! Perhaps it’ll make me a bit homesick hearing music from people so close to my original home (Aus) 🙂


  2. […] month for all manner of unmissable music events in Taipei. When I was researching events for my Taipei This September article, I came across a considerably larger number of music events than […]


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