My Taiwan tips featured in Scoot Airlines in-flight magazine!

Dear Taipei,

I have some incredibly exciting news to share- my tips about Taiwan were published in the August/September of Scoot Airlines’ inflight magazine, Scoot! Take a look!

Scoot Magazine August-September

Scoot Magazine Issue 19 Cover

Scoot Magazine’s August-September cover

Scoot Magazine Issue 19 Discover Cover

The stunning cover of the “Discover” section

Scoot Magazine Issue 19 Kaohsiung tips

Kaohsiung city tips

Scoot Magazine Issue 19 Taipei tips

Taipei city tips

It’s much clearer to see it as an E-magazine, so I recommend checking out the magazine in full. (It’s honestly an awesome read cover to cover, so it’s well worth flipping through!).

As silly as it sounds, it’s incredibly surreal to see my words and name in such an incredible publication. For the unfamiliar, Scoot Airlines is Singapore Airline’s budget aircraft.

I’ve long been a fan of their inflight magazine, as I think it injects a very fresh and playful approach to airline publications.

While some inflight magazines appear to be too formal and rigid, Scoot’s magazine has actively endeavoured to create a publication passengers anticipate reading on their flight. Not only is it packed with solid content, the graphic design is on point as well.

For these reasons, ever since I moved here I’ve (secretly) wanted to have my work published in it. I just never thought I’d get a chance. So, I am most definitely still in disbelief that I did!

It’s crazy to think that thousands of people from all around the world will read my writing. 36,000 feet up in the sky, no less!

What do you think of my tips? Have you tried any of these activities, or been to any of these places?

Leave a comment below!


Header image: The front of the “Discover” section, which features a stunning image by Arnaud Stephenson.


  1. Big congratulations. That is exciting news. I hope Scoot sent you a copy as it would be fun to leave it on a table for everyone to see 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Rhoda!

      Thank you so much for your kind comment!

      Haha, that is a great idea 🙂 But unfortunately I wasn’t given a copy. My friend however is flying with them soon, so they are going to see if they can get one for me!

      Thanks for reading!


  2. I’m so happy for you. Congrats!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks you very much 🙂 I appreciate the support!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. funicular · · Reply

    Good on you T2T!! It’s been absolutely awesome following your blog and seeing you move onto bigger and better things all the time. You should be so proud. Hope you’re having lots of fun on your journey and that Taiwan is treating you well. Again, big time congrats on the latest travel writing milestone! Sincerely wishing you the very best in all that you do 🙂


    1. Wow, Funicular, way to make my day :). What an awesome follower you are!

      Really, thank you for following my adventures for such a long time and being so supportive, I really appreciate it a lot! It’s always nice to know someone, somewhere is actually getting something from my ramblings.

      Taiwan has given a lot to me, so I’m very grateful. I hope my blog entries act as a little way of saying thanks.

      I hope everything is well with you too!


  4. […] To put it bluntly, the program for the 2016 Taipei Arts Festival sounds bloody amazing. I was so taken with it that I already recommended it as a “must see” for September in my column for Scoot Magazine. […]


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