Shameless plug!

Dear Taipei,

I entered a photography competition recently which is open to recipients of the Huayu Enrichment Scholarship- a scholarship from the Taiwanese Government to study Mandarin.

I just found out now that there is a prize for the most Facebook likes on a picture!

Please “like” the photo below!

I had to write on the theme “Vigorous Taiwan”, and chose 4 photos to represent this.

This is the accompanying caption I wrote to my photos:
The charm and beauty of Taiwan is that it is simultaneously understated and vibrant. Seeing the outstanding beauty of八卦山大佛 (the Big Buddha) and its temple in Changhua prompted me to recognise this. The towering Buddha seemed to silently bring a wave of peacefulness to all its visitors. Even though there was a big crowd when I visited during Chinese New Year, it was surprisingly calm. The bright red, blue, white and yellow streamers decorating the temple also made no sound, but their movement in the wind sang of Taiwan’s unspoken, but mesmerising beauty.

Thanks for the support!
Xie xie! THANK YOU!!


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